:LC.6TE.NET:: yogurt Kun

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How to annoy people in a fast food restaurant

--Announce your order in one, long run-on sentence.
--Ask for a cheeseburger without cheese.
--Tell the manager you found a fly in your soup and you are never going to eat there again, even though you didn? order soup.
--Stand on top of the table and do the wave.
--Blow your nose and drop to the floor screaming, "My brain came out!"
--Throw ketchup packets at people.
--Ask if the fries have potatoes in them.
--Yell "Silence, fools!" if anybody talks.
--If they keep talking, start banging your head on the table and moaning.
--Search for secret tunnels under the tables and chairs.
--Take all the posters down and put them back up upside-down.
--Cover your hand in ketchup and tell people you cut yourself with a plastic fork.
--Cover your head in ketchup too, and say the toilet tried to eat your head.
--Request the same song on the jukebox over and over all day.
--Put the "Caution, wet floor" signs on top of tables.
--Stand in front of the door and refuse to let people through unless they say the secret password.
--Tell stories of gruesome battles where people got heads or arms blown off.
--Lay face down on the floor without talking or moving.
--Draw on tables with a Sharpie marker.
--Disinfect your plastic silverware with Lysol before using it.
--Dunk your fries in soda before eating them.
--Scream quietly, and tell people it was your fries screaming in terror.
--Giggle insanely after eating each fry.
--Complain that your food smells funny.
--Stand on top of a table and announce that you have to go to the bathroom.